2014년 6월 12일 목요일

Fantine in Les Miserables

Les Miserables
        - Fantine-

Do you know a charming and good woman in Paris? Here is Fantine. She is so pretty. She has only one daughter, Cosette. She doesn’t have a good relationship with people. She doesn’t have anything; money, friend, husband and hope of the future. Even, she is unemployed.
Fantine was very poor, so she left Cosette in the care of Monsieur and Madame Thenardier. For example on page 7, chapter 2. She had to pay some money instead of the desire. Before she left her daughter with Madame Thenardier, she couldn’t work because people didn’t hire single mother’s, like her. After she left her daughter with Madame Thenardier, she could got a job. She toilfully made money to send to Madame Thenardiers for her daughter. She cut her hair in order to make money in page 9, chapter 2. She was taken with a disease because she worked too hard. she entered a hospital, and she died. Before she died, she required Jean Valjean to take care of Cosette in page 15, chapter 2.

I thought the book was very exciting because this book’s storyline was touching and tensional. The more I read, the deeper I got carried away. Especially, I was very impressed by Fantine. In a difficult situation, she wasn’t pessimistic. She was devotional and didn’t know abandonment. This book| taught many things to me

↓ Movie- Les Miserables